CEO & Area functions
In the rather few cases where divisional functions are directly attached to the CEO, we also support our clients in filling these positions. These include, among others:
- Internal audit
- Corporate Development
- PR
- Compliance
When conducting the search process, we attach great importance to the fact that the consultant appointed fully understands the position in its professional dimension.
CEO & Area functions for permanent positions
Within the framework of a CEO appointment that can be carried out according to plan, there is usually sufficient time to contrast possible internal candidates and potential external candidates, who may also come from the competitor. This process must be highly professional and confidential. Our consultants who take on such tasks therefore have both the industry expertise and experience in filling CEO positions. The professional and sensitive management of the search and appointment process is essential.
When it comes to filling CEO positions, it is particularly true that, as a rule, few available first-class candidates come into question. Therefore, professional implementation is indispensable.

Managing Director
T +49 6172 4903 30
CEO & Area functions for interim tasks
The interim filling of CEO or CEO division functions is rather rare. But when it is necessary, a company finds itself in a special, usually crisis situation. Candidates for such tasks should be known to the relevant actors in this context, and the consultant should ideally also know these candidates at the working level over a longer period of time.
We keep in touch with successful former CEOs via a CEO network, who can then also be suggested in specific individual cases.

Dr. Günther Würtele
Founder and Managing Partner
T +49 162 4903 42
CEO Personalities for control and advisory boards
CEO experience, especially strategic competence, is of great importance for both legally regulated and voluntarily established supervisory bodies. We are in regular contact with active CEOs, but also with CEOs who are no longer operationally active. We know not only their professional competence and their personal characteristics, but also often their personal planning, so that the recommendation for a supervisory or advisory board function can be well-founded.